Floating point numbers in C# (and in most other programming languages) are not precise. They are a binary approximation of the actual value. This
means that even if two floating point numbers appear to be equal, they might not be due to the tiny differences in their binary representation.
Even simple floating point assignments are not simple:
float f = 0.100000001f; // 0.1
double d = 0.10000000000000001; // 0.1
(Note: Results may vary based on the compiler and its settings)
This issue is further compounded by the non-associative nature of floating point
arithmetic. The order in which operations are performed can affect the outcome due to the rounding that occurs at each step. Consequently, the outcome
of a series of mathematical operations can vary based on the order of operations.
As a result, using the equality (==
) or inequality (!=
) operators with float
or double
is typically a mistake, as it can lead to unexpected behavior.