This rule is part of MISRA C++:2023.
MISRA Rule 21.6.5
Category: Required
Analysis Type: Decidable,Single Translation Unit
An incomplete class
type is a forward declared class
type for which the compiler has not yet seen a complete
Deleting a pointer to an incomplete class
type results in undefined behaviour when the complete class
type has a
non-trivial destructor or a deallocation function.
This rule prohibits deletion of a pointer to an incomplete class
type even when it is a trivially destructible class without a
deallocation function. This restriction defends against a non-trivial destructor or a deallocation function being added during
The following examples violate M23_259: MISRA C++ 2023 Rule 21.6.2.
class Bad
class Impl;
Impl * pImpl;
delete pImpl; // Non-compliant - at the point of deletion, pImpl points
// to an object of incomplete class type.
// Header file
class Good
class Impl;
Impl * pImpl;
// Implementation file
class Good::Impl
// Good::Impl is a complete type now
delete pImpl; // Compliant - at the point of deletion, pImpl points to
// a complete class type.
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